Date:June5-9 2023
The SFR Feed Research Course in the Netherlands is receiving a lot of signups. If interested, please inquire with Meritech Bioengineering customer service locally, or contact the head office at:020-8409 8830/31。
The latest knowhow for the feed business!!
Feeds & Nutrition Course 2023
Course Layout:
Dairy Cow Nutrition
Swine Nutrition
Poultry Nutrition
Program information:
The program takes place over a week. Additional information about the modules and general information can be fouund on our website or through scanning the QR code.
Social program:
Register for our complimentary dinners on Monday and Wednesday evenings. The social program is part of the experience, and it helps to digest the information and know-hows learned throughout the day. Grow your network and get inspired by your peers!